Writing in Linuxįor Linux systems the following items are available Hex codes, which work the same as ASCII codes. With this you will see that the letter will appear with its respective umlauts. That is, you have to press the Alt key (which has the symbol that was left previously) and then press the vowels "u + e". On Mac devices, you just need to enter the command " ALT (⌥) + u + e”.
To note: Once you have activated the numeric keypad on your laptop, the number distribution will be activated exactly like the image which will be shown below.
#A with umlaut windows code#
Then, write ASCII code Alt + 137 to add the lowercase letter "e" with the umlaut.To activate the laptop's numeric keypad, simultaneously press the “ FN + Num Lock”.Likewise, you will also have the option to activate your laptop's numeric keypad to enter the ASCII code as follows: On laptops, you can use the command that was explained at the beginning ( EB + Alt + X) as long as you are using a Windows program itself. To do this, all you need to do is enter the following command: On a laptop or notebook In case the previous method did not work for you, you have a second procedure using the ASCII code. You will see that the lowercase letter "e" will appear with its umlaut. Then, without leaving any space, simultaneously press the "Alt + X" keys. To note: you must first enter the letters "EB". The key combination that you must use to perform this procedure is as follows: Both procedures will be explained below: Using the keyboard in Windows programsĪs mentioned above, this command is exclusive to Windows programs such as Word, for example. The first only applies to the operating system's own programs, and the second process (ASCII code) can be used anywhere. For Windows systems, you have two possible methods of adding the lowercase letter "e" with umlauts.